7361 Claremont Avenue is currently lender owned having been taken back by the lender in January of 2025 via. foreclosure. Custom built as a mansion circa 1923 by the prominent Biedenbach Family, the property boasts beautiful and unique architecture with a European flare. The attractive exterior showcases high-end brick and stone-work, meticulous hand-built woodworking and exudes an elegance that reflects the skill and elite craftsmanship of the era. The fire-resistant brick residence, sits on four separate levels, with a beautiful garden, alluring stone arches and stairways, and a vast layout of grand rooms befit for regal entertainment. The unique property was active during the prohibition era and contains hidden doors, secret rooms, covert storage areas, that tell of its storied past. Having gone through several iterations including a mansion with a maid/nanny quarters, a four-unit, and a five-unit rental, the property is reflected in current property records as a legal four-unit with a net rentable 4,742 square feet. The prior owner worked to get entitlements for two ADU units in the garage and processed TIC paperwork potentially allowing upside through individual sale of the units. The property has been Ellis Acted by the prior owner March 22nd, 2022.